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The Grape in the Treatment of Cancer

Daily Health Tips


The Grape in the Treatment of Cancer

Johanna Brandt, the author of the book The Grape Cure has advocated an exclusive grape diet for the treatment of cancer. She discovered this mode of cure in 1925, while experimenting on herself by fasting and dieting alternately in the course of her nine-year battle with cancer. She claimed to have cured herself by this mode of treatment. She recommends a fast for two or three days so as to prepare the system for the change of diet. After the short fast, the patient should have a grape meat every two hours from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. This should be followed for a week or two even a month or two, in chronic cases of long standing. The patient should begin the grape cure with a small quantity of 30, 60, to 90 grams per meal, gradually increasing this to double the quantity. In course of time, about 250 grams may safely be taken as a meal.


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