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Best Foods to Eat If You Start Feeling Sick



A common drink to enjoy when youre sick is ginger ale, but have you ever wondered why? Ginger is a natural antinauseant. When you are feeling sick to your stomach, drinking ginger beverages can be the best option. Instead of pop, opt for a popular ginger soda that contains real ginger, not just gingersugar flavoring. You can also make your own ginger tea by pouring boiling water over slices of ginger and honey. Enjoy this hot beverage and feel the stomach relief. According to a study from University of Rochesters Dermatology and Radiation Oncology department, which monitored the effects of ginger prescribed to patients undergoing chemotherapy, a small, onequarter teaspoon of ginger was effective in reducing symptoms of nausea by up to 40percent.


Orange Juice
Dark Leafy Greens
Apple cider vinegar
Green Beans
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