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Have original jokes

Best Flirting Tips


Have original jokes

This is a known fact women fall for men who can make them laugh. So, if you can dish out a handful of jokes out of the blue in front of your crush, know that half the battle is already won. Just be careful to ensure that the jokes are truly laughable and on a universal topic. Steer clear from doublemeaning and Xrated jokes, for while these might bring out a belly full of laughter among the boys, chances are that they will only turn of the girl. When you make her laugh, things will quickly become casual between you too and perhaps pave the way for a strongerthanjustfriendship bond.


Remember every detail
Become cold and distant
Give her space
Make her feel like the only one
Get text savvy
Give her a single rose
Leave this Facebook comment
Be obvious sometimes
Make him nervous
Laughing is a the key to flirting
Be articulate
Memorize a great joke
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