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Tamarillos contain vitamins

Benefits of Tamarillo fruits


Tamarillos contain vitamins

Tamarillos contain vitamins A, C, and some of the Bcomplex vitamins, as well as the minerals phosphorous (a lot of phosphorous is in the seeds), calcium, iron, magnesium, and sodium. The anthocyanins contained in the darker tamarillos especially, are also found in cranberries, red cabbage, black grapes, blackberries, bilberries and blueberries and have potent antioxidant properties (as do the vitamins tamarillos contain), which help combat scavenging freeradicals which can cause cancer and cardiovascular disease.


Tamarillos can be eaten raw
Tamarillo shake
Good amount of protein
Safety profile
The ORAC value
Major pests and diseases
Where to find Tamarillo in India
Taste of Tamarillo
Excellent source of antioxidants
Antimicrobial Tamarillo
Preparation and serving methods
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