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Benefits of Radicchio



According to traditional folklore, longterm use of chicory as a coffee substitute may damage human retinal tissue, with dimming of vision over time and other long term effects. Modern scientific literature contains little or no evidence to support or refute this claim. Root chicory contains volatile oils similar to those found in plants in the related genusTanacetumwhich includesTansy, and is likewise effective at eliminating intestinal worms. All parts of the plant contain these volatile oils, with the majority of the toxic components concentrated in the plants root.


Quercetin and hesperidin
How to Store Radicchio
Helps counter the hypertension effects
Bile Production
Nutritional Content of Radicchio
Naturally helps to regulate blood sugar levels
Radicchio can help fight against malaria
Preparation and serving methods
Radicchio is lactucopicrin
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