benefits of pomelos

Benefits of Pomelos

41. Body Cramping
Potassium is also important in the fluid balance in the body, which is a key aspect ofmuscle crampingand stiffness. Without proper levels of potassium, which pomelos can supply, you are likely to cramp up and become susceptible to pulled muscles and torn ligaments.
42. Bone Health
Potassium intake has been connected to bone mineral density, as it helps to facilitate the uptake of other essential minerals forkeeping the bones strong. Therefore, pomelos can aid in preventing osteoporosis and general bone weakness throughout the body.
43. A Few Words of Caution
The high levels of vitamin C and potassium in this fruit can make it hazardous for patients with liver and kidney conditions. Also, those patients with hypotension (low blood pressure) can be in danger since pomelos lower the blood pressure significantly. Other than that, enjoy these rare and powerful fruits for better overall health!
44. Pomelos in Your Diet
Pomelos are wonderful eaten raw. You have to remove the skin before eating. It s also recommended you remove the peel, as it is bitter tasting. Another option is to squeeze the pomelo and drink the juice. Once peeled, pomelos can be added to salads. In fact, pomelo salad is one of the most popular dishes in Thailand and it s usually prepared with shrimp.
45. Sourcing Pomelos
Pomelos are seasonal fruits. They are not as well known as grapefruits. You ll have better luck at finding pomelos in supermarkets that carry a bigger fruit selection than is typical. If your local supermarket carries pomelos, you re likely to find them along grapefruits and oranges. Alternatively, many pomelo producers in California offer online shipping if a local search proves too difficult.
46. Helps prevent UTI
Drinking lots of water and loading up on cranberry juice are two of the natural effective ways to help fight urinary tract infection. Pomelo, with its ultra highvitamin Ccontent also help combat this common inflammation during pregnancy.VitaminC is known to up the acidity level in the urine discouraging the growth of bacteria in the urinary tract.
47. How to Buy Pomelo
Choose fruit that is heavy for its size, blemish free and has fragrant sweet smell. If you can, choose the pink and red variety which is slightly sweeter and more nutritious (because of the darker pigment). pomelo includes a large amount of potassium which is great for our heart. Brand new research has shown that liminoids present in pomelo as well as other citrus fruits avoid cancer cells from divining much better than chemical medications.
48. Potential Side Effects of Pomelos
Those of you who are allergic to pomelos should not use the fruit for its health benefits because server allergic reactions can occur. Eating too many pomelos can cause side effects such as dizziness, painful erections, breathing difficulties and upset stomach. However, these side effects are rare.Before eating this fruit or drinking its juice to treat any of your health conditions or prevent one it is best to talk to your doctor to make sure it is safe for you because pomelos do interact with some medications and health conditions.