benefits of peas

Benefits of Peas

51. Harvest as most of the sugar content
Green peas are at their best soon after their harvest as most of the sugar content rapidly gets converted to starch. They should be placed in the vegetable compartment inside the refrigerator set at high relative humidity where they can last for 2 to 3 days. Refrigerating them preserves their sugar content and prevents it from turning into starch. Unwashed, unshelled peas should be stored in the refrigerator in a bag or unsealed container where it will last for several days. Fresh peas can also be blanched for 1 to 2 minutes and then frozen. Frozen peas can last for 6 to 12 months.
52. Cooking andEating
Peas can be eaten both raw and cooked. Before removing the peas from the pod, they should be briefly rinsed under running water. They can be easily shelled by snapping off the top and bottom of the pod and gently pulling off the thread that lines the seam of most peapods. The pods should be gently opened to remove the seeds which need not be washed as they were encased in the pod. Given below are some tips to enjoy these delicious vegetables.
53. Basics
One cup of raw peas has 117 calories, 1 cup of sliced, raw carrots has just 50 calories and both have barely a trace of fat. The carrots have 1 gram of protein, but peas provide 8 grams. Together they deliver 16 percent of the recommended daily intake of protein for men and 19 percent for women.
54. Fiber
Youll get 7 grams of dietary fiber from 1 cup of peas and 3 grams from the same portion of carrots. Insoluble fiber keeps your digestive tract healthy by moving food and wastes through your system. Soluble fiber lowers levels of cholesterol and keeps blood sugar balanced by slowing the absorption of food during digestion.
55. Vitamin A
Even though it sounds like one individual vitamin, vitamin A actually refers to a group of substances that includes carotenoids. Peas and carrots contain four carotenoids: alphacarotene, betacarotene, lutein and zeaxanthin. Alpha and betacarotene function as antioxidants, and theyre converted into vitamin A, which is essential for vision and healthy skin. Lutein and zeaxanthin are antioxidants that protect your eyes from agerelated diseases such as macular degeneration and cataracts. Peas alone are a good source of vitamin A, but carrots are the real powerhouse. Youll gain more than 600 percent of the daily intake from 1 cup of raw carrots. The same amount of peas has 37 percent.
56. Antioxidant
As an antioxidant, vitamin C supports the immune system and prevents damage to cells that can result in chronic health problems. Vitamin C may lower your risk of developing cardiovascular disease and some types of cancer, according to Oregon State University. Its also essential for the formation of collagen, which is needed for wound healing and supports skin and connective tissue. One cup of peas has 64 percent and carrots have 8 percent of the daily intake of vitamin C.
57. Vitamin K
Vitamin K activates the calcium and proteins that are essential for the process of blood clotting. It also regulates bone mineralization and is essential for the functioning of a protein that regulates cell growth and death. One cup of green peas has 30 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin K and the same portion of carrots has 13 percent.
58. B Vitamins
The combination of peas and carrots delivers 20 percent of the recommended daily intake riboflavin, 24 percent of niacin and 40 percent of thiamin. All three vitamins convert food into energy and contribute to healthy skin. Youll get 30 percent of the daily intake of folate and 34 percent of vitamin B6, which lower your risk of cardiovascular disease by removing homocysteine. Folate is also important during periods of growth because its essential for the creation and development of new cells.
59. Considerations
Frozen or canned peas and carrots lose about half of their vitamin C, folate and potassium, otherwise they have the same nutritional value as fresh vegetables. Canned products with added salt increase the amount of sodium to as much as 478 milligrams per cup. Steaming retains nutrients, but carrots take a little longer to cook, so give them a few minutes before adding the peas. Instead of a buttery saute, try cooking garlic and onion in a small amount of chicken broth and then adding the vegetables. Season peas and carrots with chopped, fresh mint or a touch of olive oil and lemon juice.
60. Popular ingredient
Peas ormataris a very popular ingredient and is used all over India in dishes likeMatar Paneer, Peas Pulao,etc. Even though botanically, peas are considered as a fruit, it is sold along with other vegetables. Soft and delicious to eat, green peas are a powerhouse of nutrients that benefit your body in more ways than one. Here are the top 10 health benefits of peas.