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Selenium Content

Benefits of Mushroom


Selenium Content

Theselenium content in mushroomsis one of the most beneficial elements that is often overlooked. The primary source of selenium is in animal proteins; however, due to their classification as fungi that feed off animal and plant matter, mushrooms are the best way for vegetarians to obtain the necessary amount of selenium.. Selenium is found in large quantities in mushrooms, and can benefit bone health by adding to bone strength and increasing durability. It also strengthens the teeth, hair, and nails. Furthermore, this essential nutrient is a powerful antioxidant, which rids the body of free radicals and generally strengthens the immune system. The bioavailability of selenium in mushrooms differs on species, but the majority of commonly consumed mushrooms have significant levels of this important mineral.


How to Store
InDepth Nutritional Profile
Benefits from Selenium
Help remove excess estrogen from circulation
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Other uses
Vitamins and Minerals
Help fight free radicals
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