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Benefits of Honeydew



A honeydew has a round to slightly oval shape, typically 1522cm (5.98.7in) long. It generally ranges in weight from 1.8 to 3.6kg (4.0 to 7.9lb). The flesh is usually pale green in color, while the smooth peel ranges from greenish to yellow. Like most fruit, honeydew has seeds. Honeydews thick, juicy, sweet flesh is often eaten for dessert, and is commonly found in supermarkets across the world. This fruit grows best in semiarid climates and is harvested based on maturity, not size. Maturity can be hard to judge, but is based upon ground color ranging from greenish white (immature) to creamy yellow (mature).


Digestion Aid
Prevent from Dehydration
Direct Seeding Honeydew in the Garden
B Vitamins
Nutrient Profile
Cooking With Honeydew
Other Health Benefits
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