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Benefits of Guava



Guavas can be stored at room temperature for a few days. Mature but green guavas can last for 2 to 5 weeks when kept at a regulated temperature between 46F and 55F and relative humidity of 85% to 95%. To hasten ripening, the guava can be kept wrapped in a paper with a banana or apple. Fully ripe guavas can be refrigerated for a few days. Pink and white guavas yield to gentle pressure if they are ripe. Ripe guavas can be kept in plastic bag or container and refrigerated for a few days. It is advisable to use them within a day or two. Unripe guavas can be stored in a plastic container or bag and can last for about two weeks. Freezing the guavas can make them last longer, even up to a year. To freeze a guava, cut it and place it in a freezer container.


Guava for skin care and beauty
Improves Complexion
Treatment of Blackheads and Skin Itchiness
Folate Content
Guava for diarrhea and dysentery
Improves your hormonal function
Maintains brain health
Manganese Richness
Selfmade Guava Attractiveness Masks
Tips for Usage Cooking and Eating
Good for pregnant mothers
Increase Blood production
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