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Natural Support for Arthritis

Benefits of Elderberry


Natural Support for Arthritis

The diuretic and antiinflammatory activity of elderberries helps explain its use in rheumatic and arthritic conditions. Elderberries are a dark blue, purplish berry that is both rich in color and nutrition. These berries contain very high amounts of the polyphenol anthocyanin, which give them their dark color. Anthocyanin's antioxidant ability allows the berries to survive periods of intense UV light radiation from the sun. These antioxidants are passed on to those who consume the berry and provide anticarcinogenic benefits.


Care and Safety In The Use Of Elderberry
Parts Used
Colds and Flu
Vitamins A and E and Vitamin C in large amounts
Occurrence Of Elderberry
Are Elderberries poisonous
Antioxidant Benefits
Bacterial Sinusitis
Common Name
Natural Support for Arthritis
Health Benefits of Elderberries
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