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Brussels Sprouts Fun Facts

Benefits of Brussel


Brussels Sprouts Fun Facts

Brussels sprouts are on a fairly short list of foods that boost the libido, but the scientific evidence of this has yet to be published. Brussels sprouts are winter crops that flourish well under cool weather and light frosting conditions. Well grown plant reaches about 90 cm in height. The sprouts develop all along the stalk, starting from the base and moving upward. Each sprout, in general, features similarity in appearance and structure to cabbage, but only very small in size, measuring about 1 1.5 inches in diameter.


Brussels Sprouts and Cardiovascular Support
Good antioxidants
Bone and dental health
Blood pressure
The Healthiest Way of Cooking Brussels Sprouts
Pregnancy support
Managing diabetes
Glucosinolate content
Cancer protection
Brussels Sprouts and Antioxidant Support
WHFoods Recommendations
Contain isothiocynates
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