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Consumption Tips

Benefits of Broccoli


Consumption Tips

When buying broccoli, choose those with deep green color, and stalks and stems that are firm. Store dry in an open plastic bag in the refrigerator up to about four days. A centrifugal juicer can extract only very little juice out of broccoli but a gear juicer does the job perfectly. You can mix broccoli juice with carrot and green apple juice to make it palatable. Drinking broccoli juice raw is best to obtain the most nutrition out of it.


Powerful antioxidant
Breast cancer
Healthy Steaming versus Microwaving Broccoli
Reverse diabetes heart damage
Protect your skin against the effects of UV light
Reduce cancer risk
Health risks
Consumption Tips
How to Grow Your Own Broccoli Sprouts
Cancer prevention
Health Benefits of Broccoli
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