benefits of black berries

Benefits of Black berries

11. Healthy Hair
Vitamin C, found in blackberries, is largely responsible for collagen production and contributes to strong hair. The antioxidants help combat the harmful and damaging effects of the environment on hair. Topical application of the fruit extract is known to add instant volume, shine and bounce to hair.
12. Gum Care
The leaves and bark of the blackberry plant are known for being consumed traditionally. They are used to treat mild gum inflammation and bleeding gums too. Blackberries are good source of Vitamin K that promotes bone health.
13. Menstrual Bleeding
Consuming blackberry leaves helps get relief from excessive bleeding during menses. The fruit is also used to regulate menses and considered a uterine tonic. Berries are low in calories, high in fiber, and they contain vitamins and minerals your body needs to function normally.
14. Dysentery
Blackberry leaves and fruit can help treat diarrhoea. To use, simply boil the leaves or fruit. Strain and drink the water to get relief. Berries can also be found in the frozen foods section of the grocery store. Look for berries that are frozen without any added sugar or syrup.
15. Diabetes
The high potassium content of blackberries helps reduce insulin. Daily consumption of blackberries with one teaspoon of honey helps control diabetes. For good results, it is best advised to have this for at least a week. Not only can the fruit, blackberry leaves also be consumed for its antidiabetic properties.
16. Healthy Bones
The decent content of calcium, found in blackberries, contribute in strengthening bones.Vitamin K is important for bone health. Blackberries are good source of Vitamin K that promotes bone health. Dried berries are sold in the snack aisle and the baking ingredient section. They look like raisins and can be used in recipes that call for raisins.
17. Red Blood Cells
Blackberries contain minerals like potassium, manganese, copper, and magnesium. Together, these help a great deal in producing white and red blood cells. Blackberries contains high Vitamin C which improves skin health. Vitamin C protects skin damage from free radical and promote healthy skin.
18. Haemorrhoids
The pulp made from blackberry fruits, is widely used to heal haemorrhoids and even conjunctivitis.It is also recommended due to its ORAC (Oxygen Radiance Absorbing Capacity). ORAC means its capacity to protect against oxygen free radicals.
19. Cancer
Blackberries have antioxidants called Ellagic acid. These can help in the prevention of certain cancer cells. Blackberries contain cyanidin3glucoside which inhibits the growth of cancer cells. So it reduces the growth and spread of tumor cells.
20. LowCalorie Nutrition
A cup of raw blackberries has 62 calories, less than a gram of fat, 2 grams of protein, no cholesterol and only 1 gram of sodium. It also gives you 7.6 grams of fiber, more fiber than a cup of bran flakes, which provide 7 grams. If you are trying to lose weight, blackberries can give you quick energy, and their fiber content can help you stay full until your next meal, preventing you from wanting to snack on more fattening foods.