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Preparation and serving methods

Benefits of Bamboo Shoots


Preparation and serving methods

Raw bamboo shoots from the market should be processed before adding them in cooking. The whole process of shoots preparation has two steps; peeling its outer tough sheaths and de toxification of its inner meat in order to remove bitter compounds. One of the easier methods to peel bamboo shoot is to cut it lengthwise into two halves. Then peel its outer leaves starting from the base and working on towards the tip. Tim away any tough portion at the base. Then dice the shoot to your desired sizes. Place the cubes in a bowl of cold water.


Local names
Heals Depression
Respiratory Disorders
Bamboo species
Faster Recovery from Wounds
Wound Cleaning
Fights Cancer
Lowers Cholesterol Levels
The health benefits of bamboo shoots
Vitamins and Minerals
Safety profile
More ...

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