benefits of bamboo shoots

Benefits of Bamboo Shoots

11. Respiratory Disorders
Bamboo shoots have been known to be effective against respiratory disorders. A decoction of the shoots can be prepared by boiling the shoots twice. The first boil should be for 5 minutes followed by a second boil for about 10 minutes. The decoction can be taken along with honey for the best effect.
12. Possible Cure for Poisoning
In Ayurvedic medicine, the ancient Indian science of medicine and lifestyle, it is believed that bamboo extracts contain anti venomous properties. They are useful in cases of both snake and scorpion bites. Bamboo plant is member in the grass family. After about 3 4 years of implantation, a new shoot arise from the root system which is gathered and used as a vegetable. Some of important edible species are Bambusa bambos, Bambusa tulda, B. polymorpha, B. balcooa, Dendrocalamus hemiltonii, D. gigentius, and Melocanna baccifera.
13. Uterotonic Properties
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that bamboo shoots can cause uterine contractions. It is used as a medicinal supplement during the last month of pregnancy when the delivery date is still pending. According to the research papersubmitted by Gruber and O Brien at the University of Vienna, bamboo is one of the many plants which have been listed among uterotonic plants.
14. Stomach Disorders
Bamboo shoots are useful in treating stomach disorders. Apart from bamboo shoots, bamboo leaves are also suggested as a remedy for intestinal worms and stomach disorders as well. Bamboo shoots appear above the ground surface in different seasons depending up on the species. When the cone shaped new shoot just appears above the ground surface, it is severed from its root attachment using a spade.
15. Wound Cleaning
Bamboo shoots are also used for cleaning wounds and sores. On its exterior, the shoot features tough casing of leaves, firmly wrap around its central cream white meat. The meat has crunchy texture, mild yet distinctive flavor. Once boiled and cured, it however, acquires almost a neutral taste.
16. Lowers Blood Pressure
Bamboo shoots contain high amounts of potassium. Potassium is highly beneficial as an electrolyte and is also very good for lowering and maintaining blood pressure. Bamboo culms compose of adequate levels of soluble and non soluble (NSP non starch carbohydrates) dietary fiber. 100 g of fresh shoots provide 2.2 g of roughage. Dietary fiber helps control constipation conditions, decrease bad (LDL) cholesterol levels by binding to it in the intestines. Studies suggest that high fiber diet can help cut down colon rectal cancer risk by protecting intestines from the toxic compounds in the food.
17. A Few Serving Ideas for Bamboo Shoots
Bamboo shoots can be boiled and then used for making various dishes. Boiled shoots can be served with butter and soya sauce as a vegetable accompaniment. Bamboo culms are also rich in B complex group of vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine), and pantothenic acid those are essential for optimum cellular enzymatic and metabolic functions.
18. The bamboo plant
Every part of the bamboo plant is put to use by Asian cultures and various ethnic groups. Bamboo is used for various other purposes ranging from construction, support for buildings, simple housing, bamboo furniture, musical instruments such as flutes, dizi, xiao, shakuhachi, and in paper production. Thus, bamboo is one of the most utilized and versatile plants on the planet.
19. Bamboo species
Some of the bamboo species whose sprouts are harvested include phyllostachys edulis, winter shoots, hairy shoots, phyllostachys bambusoides, dendrocalamus latiflorus, bambusa vulgaris, bambusa oldhamii, andbambusa odashimae. Bamboo shoots compose excellent levels of potassium. 100 g of fresh shoots hold 533 mg or 11% of daily required levels of potassium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure by countering effects of sodium.
20. The health benefits of bamboo shoots
The health benefits of bamboo shoots include healthy weight loss, control of bad cholesterol, strengthening of the immune system, possible cancer fighting properties and anti inflammatory properties. It is heart friendly, contains protein, a sufficient supply of vitamins and minerals and a negligible amount of fat. It also contains a significant amount of dietary fiber.