awesome mental health resources

Awesome Mental Health Resources

Keep this list of mental health resources handy whenever you need some backup.
71. Emotions Anonymous
Even if you don't have an addiction, you can still apply the 12-step model to manage negative thinking, self-esteem issues, loneliness, and other destructive feelings with the support of over 1,000 EA meetings worldwide. (And if you are wrestling with substance or behavioral addictions, youre still welcome to attend.)
72. GLBT Near Me
The GLBT National Resource Database offers over 1,000 support services for people of all genders, ual orientations, races, and ages. Plug your zip code into their handy local resource finder and voil
73. National Eating Disorders Association
Like ANAD, NEDA offers an extensive list of support groups for individuals with eatingd disorders. All you have to do is plug your state into their search engine and find groups nearby. For those who want more personalized peer support, check out NEDA Navigator, a program that connects individuals looking to overcome disordered eating with a person whos been there and can act as a guide during recovery.
74. Parents Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays
If youre a friend, family member, or parent of someone who identifies anywhere on the LGBTQ spectrum, PFLAG is your go-to resource for all things related to education, advocacy, and social outreach. PFLAG can also help those struggling to come to terms with a loved ones ual or gender orientation. Plug in your hometown to their search engine to find a local chapter.
75. Heal Grief
At some point in our lives, all of us will have to wrestle with the many stages of grief. But it helps if weve got people to talk to about our loss especially someone in the midst of a similar grieving process or someone who have come through to the other side. Heal Griefs support services extend across the U.S. and can be found, organized by state, via the drop down menu on the group's website.
76. Sidrans HelpDesk
The Sidran Institute offers services for all kinds of people grappling with PTSD, from military vets to white-collar workers. Trauma can trigger a huge amount of emotional suffering, and without help, some people can be debilitated by their symptoms. If you're wrestling with these shockwaves, contact Sidran to get more info on support groups.
77. Trichotillomania Learning Center
Trichotillomania is an obsessive compulsive disorder where sufferers compulsively pull out their hair or incessantly pick at their skin to the point of bruising. Symptoms can be damaging, but so can the isolation people feel with this disorder. This organization's support groups can help people manage their impulses, find better coping skills for their anxiety, and find company in their struggle.