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What Pisces Needs



What Pisces Needs

Pisces ( Feb 19 - Mar 20 )
What Pisces Needs :

The Fish adores that person who can help complete them -- a yin to their yang, that person who can draw them out and gently bring them down to a safe place on Earth -- is a keeper. Pisceans also crave a comfort level, a certain sense of security which says ""hey, you're okay"" and helps them to relax and trust. If their lover can protect them from the harsh realities of life and keep them from retreating to the safety of a dream world, all the better. Loving creative play as they do, a partner who can feed Pisces' muse will insure a serendipitous journey for both.
The Pisces lover is caring and compassionate, a sensitive and intuitive soul who brings a starryeyed quality to the real world. The mystical and magical Fish can make playtime a lifetime of fun with the right person. Anyone primed for adventures into the unknown will find it here!


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