amazing facts about your heart

Amazing Facts About Your Heart

Random human heart facts, including surprising statistics, revolutionary discovers, and diseases.
21. Fact 21
A woman heart typically beats faster than a man.
22. Fact 22
As we said earlier, happiness really does lead to heart health. And so does laughter. Laughing can send 20 percent more blood flowing through your body and it relaxes your vessel walls.
23. Fact 23
No one is exactly sure why the heart has historically been associated with love (many ancient civilizations associated it with emotions) but some historians attribute it to the Greeks.
24. Fact 24
The idea of a broken heart actually carries some weight. After experiencing an emotionally traumatic event your body releases stress hormones into the blood stream that can temporarily shock the heart and even mimic heart attack symptoms.
25. Fact 25
A recent study by Swedish researchers showed that when a choir sings, their hearts rhythms synchronize.