google search tips

To check weather
1. To check the weather of any location, simply type "weather" and the city name. Supposedly if you want to know Mumbai's temperature, type weather Mumbai and you will get weather report of Mumbai. In USA, you can even get the details with pincode like weather 22031. .....
Blocking a website
2. Blocking a website is very easy. However Google has discontinued this feature but an extension for Google Chrome is available which allows us to do the same. Just visit this URL add all the wesites which you don't want to come in the Google search results. .....
Listen to music
3. With Google, listening to music becomes cake walk. Just type your singer name songs and it will provide you the famous tracks of your favorite singer. e.g. Mukesh songs. .....
Easy Calculations
4. Rely on Google to do your math! Enter a calculation as you would into your computer's calculator (i.e. * for multiply, / to divide, etc), and voila!. e.g. if you type 500-(300/12)+20 it will return you 495 in Google search. Just focus on the BODMAS technique. .....
Unit Conversion
5. Google can easily convert units measurement. If you want to convert miles into Km or meter; cm to inches; Kg to gm & pounds or even currency conversion etc. You can use Google for this purpose, type it in this way - 12 miles in kms; 1 dollar in INR. .....
Reverse image search
6. While searching for an image on Google image search, you will find a little camera icon. Click on the camera icon. It will ask you for an image URL or an upload from your PC to search images similar to what you are looking for. Its great when you are looking for same type of places, more images of your friend etc. You will be amazed with what results you get. .....
Online Dictionary
7. Google can be used as an online dictionary. To look up a word, type in the keyword "define:" followed by the term you're looking for (i.e. "define:search engine"). The pages are populated with the search results. .....
Find Educational documents with Google
8. This is one little trick to dig up some great educational content is to search .edu domains (which belong to educational establishments). Let's say you're interested in learning C++ programming and you would like to see "Introduction to C++" types of documents/presentations. All you have to do is perform a search query similar to the following: site:edu intitle:"Introduction to C++" filetype:pdf, and there you go. A variation of the search query .....
Search in a specific site
9. This might help you, if you want to search something in a particular website e.g. if you are searching a Windows solutions and you want the result from Microsoft website only then you may use the command "site:websitename query". .....
Using operators
10. Google understands a range of operators that include filetype: (eg doc, xls, or pdf), intext: and allintext:, intitle: and allintitle:, inurl: and allinurl:, author: (in Google Groups) and location: (in Google News). Google also understands a logical OR, provided it is upper case. The OR command can be shortened to a vertical bar (|), as in outsourcing Calcutta | Kolkata or the traditional way - outsourcing Calcutta OR Kolkata. .....
The Advanced search page
11. Use this feature to enhance your results. The options are offered to you in various combinations in the Advanced Search option which is always available from the main Google search page. .....
Knowing local time
12. Its too easy to know the local time anywhere in the world by typing "time" and a city's name in Google search, e.g. time New York, time London, time Mumbai. You will the get the local time instantly. .....
I m Feeling Lucky
13. When visiting Google homepage, you will find "I'm feeling lucky" button. After typing your keyword and clicking on this button will navigate you directly to the first website. e.g if you type Yahoo & instead of clicking 'Google Search', click on 'I'm feeling lucky' button then you will go to the website directly. .....
Cricket Live Score
14. Just type the same keyword in search and this will return with complete live score of current cricket matches. .....
Check current stock price
15. For this navigate to this URL -, and type the name of any industry or its code followed by stock and you will get the details of its stock e.g the search of GE stock will return the details of GE stock. It provides a full company summary as well. .....
Find the exact search
16. Finding a keyword was never this easy, typing in double quotes will find pages containing the exact phrase you searched for. e.g. "White Flood". .....
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