forever young naturally beauty

Antiaging Skin Basics
1. From our 30s onward, age starts to take its toll on our skin. Color and texture become less vibrant, wrinkles and sagging start to occur, pores enlarge, capillaries break around the cheek and nose, and from our 40s age spots appear on hands and cheeks, forehead, and upper lip, thanks to sun exposure, pregnancy, and the Pill. However, there is plenty we can do to help our skin maintain the glow of youth into our 40s, 50s, and beyond. .....
Antiaging Skin Basics Take a deep breath
2. Promoting oxygen flow to the skin results in visibly better tone. Learn how to breathe deeply at yoga class. To maximize the effects, dine on antioxidant foods such as broccoli, spinach, plums, kale, and blackberries, which have a high oxygen radical absorbency capacity (ORAC). .....
Antiaging Skin Basics Skin saving vitamins
3. Build your diet around vitaminpacked fruit and vegetables. Vitamins A, C, and E are strongly antioxidant and lack of vitamin A shows in flaking skin. Vitamin C is anti-inflammatory and so is essential for healing, skin cell regeneration, and plumping. It works best with immunestimulating vitamin E, which encourages circulation to promote radiance. One study showed that when taken together vitamins C and E provide double the protection from UV ray .....
Antiaging Skin Basics Hydrate from within
4. Dry skin makes wrinkles more obvious. The only natural relief from dry skin is ample hydration. Drink 4 pints (2 liters) of water daily to plump up skin, give hair gloss, flush out toxins, and help relieve headaches that can lead to frown lines. .....
Antiaging Skin Basics Healing exercise
5. Older people who exercise regularly seem to have skin that heals more speedily when compared with the skin of sedentary people. Set yourself the target of 30 minutes of activity most days. .....
Antiaging Skin Basics Moisturize while damp
6. Apply moisturizer and body oils to still damp skin immediately after showering or bathing. This seals in moisture and acts as a barrier to drying environmental conditions, such as wind and air conditioning. .....
Antiaging Skin Basics Necessary fats
7. Research suggests that people with prematurely aged skin are deficient in essential fats, which moisturize skin from the inside, reduce inflammation, and enhance mood. Fill up on oily fish, such as mackerel and sardines, linseed (flaxseed), hemp and olive oil, avocados, nuts, and seeds. For maximum absorption, make nut, seed, and fruit oils the fats you choose for massage oils, body lotions, and intensive moisture treatments, too. .....
Antiaging Skin Basics Destress your skin
8. Stress can bring on breakouts of pimples, a pallid complexion, puffy eyes, and etched-in frown lines. Nourish yourself with good food through stressful periods and by getting regular exercise. Try to incorporate a weekly yoga class into a busy schedule. If city pollutants stress your skin, build more protective antioxidant fruit and vegetables into your diet and use free-radical busting grapeseed oil and green tea on the skin. .....
Antiaging Skin Basics Stop smoking
9. Smoking is the second most effective way to age skin after sun exposure. Research suggests the skin of smokers over 30 ages twice as fast as the skin of nonsmokers. Indeed, “smoker’s skin” is a diagnostic term used to denote a gray complexion, wrinkles, dilated pores, and failure to heal. Smoking constricts blood vessels, reducing oxygen and nutrient flow, produces a collagendestroying enzyme, and creates wrinkles as lips purse to inhale an .....
Antiaging Skin Basics Prioritize beauty sleep
10. Sleep is necessary for regeneration and cell restoration. During sleeping hours growth hormones responsible for renewing and restoring skin, hair, and bones are secreted. Sleep loss shows first beneath the eyes and in a dulled complexion. .....
Antiaging Skin Basics Age relate your
11. beauty regime Look for age-specific skincare products targeted at the skin and lifestyle demands of your own age group. The antiaging requirements of 30-something skin, for example, differ from those of postmenopausal skin. Natural beauty company Yin Yang recommends its pH-Amino 4 Cream for use after menopause its plant protein and wheatgerm oil formulation promotes skin healing and regeneration. .....
Skincare in the Sun
12. There’s no escaping the fact that UV rays lead to premature skin aging, but research reveals that it also enhances mood, protects bone density, and may even safeguard against cancer thanks to vitamin D, which is created by the skin during sun exposure. .....
Skincare in the Sun Safer sunblocks
13. Some natural healthcare specialists worry about the negative effects of repeatedly applying sunscreens containing chemical UV-light “sponges” over large areas of skin. These estrogen-mimicking chemicals have been detected in urine and breastmilk after application. Check for and avoid sun screen and makeup that contain the following ingredients: benzophone and azobenzone, PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid) and PABA esters, cinnamates, and nanoparti .....
Skincare in the Sun Great natural sunscreens
14. Choose from reputable natural brands that don’t use chemical sun filters, relying instead on the lightreflecting mineral blocks that tint the skin slightly. These include Dr. Hauschka, Green People, Weleda, Origins Beach Blanket, and Neal’s Yard Remedies. .....
Skincare in the Sun Sun protection smoothie
15. All the fruits in this smoothie are fantastic antioxidants and the pomegranate juice also helps protect the skin from damage caused by the sun. ½ mango ½ papaya slice of honeydew melon 1 nectarine 3 apricots 12 black grapes small glass of pomegranate juice1. Slice the soft fruit away from the pits, chop up the remaining fruit, and deseed the grapes, if necessary. Place all the fruit into a blender and whizz them until they are well comb .....
Skincare in the Sun Soak up some sun
16. Exposing non-sunblocked skin to the sun for 5–15 minutes three times a week supplies a healthy dose of vitamin D. Do this especially during winter months if you have dark skin and live in the northern hemisphere. .....
Skincare in the Sun Keep your hat on
17. Prevent age-related pigmentation problems worsening over time by wearing a wide-brimmed dark hat in the sun. Uncover only before 11a.m. and after 4p.m., when rays are less intense. Cover up, too, your décolletage, an area of skin that crinkles with sun exposure. .....
Skincare in the Sun After sun bath
18. If your skin feels sore after sunning, apply soothing cider vinegar on cotton swabs or pour a cup into tepid bathwater. .....
Skincare in the Sun Avoid sunbeds
19. UV rays from sunbeds may cause the breakdown of folic acid in the body this B vitamin seems to protect against some later-life diseases, such as dementia and cardiovascular disease. Using sunbeds may also worsen agerelated pigmentation problems. .....
Skincare in the Sun Faking it
20. Fake tan and tanning moisturizers have been associated with DNA damage because of their active ingredient dihydroxyacetone (DHA). Look for organic selftanners, such as Green People’s Organic Self-Tan Lotion, which contains no heavy metals. .....
Skincare in the Sun Sun repair snacks
21. Eat orange and dark green foods for their beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin content, which can protect against sun damage. Foods rich in vitamin E, such as green leafy vegetables, help reduce redness caused by sun exposure. .....
Eternal Style
22. Women over the age of 40 now make up a substantial percentage of the US female population. Some retailers regard us as the future of fashion, since we have a welldeveloped awareness of trends and what flatters us and may have income to spare. But it can become increasingly difficult to fling on garments and look effortlessly chic. .....
Eternal Style Dress your age
23. There are defining moments in life when it’s time to take stock of your wardrobe. Once every five years, take a hard look at staple garments, shoes and boots, underwear and swimwear, jackets and going-out outfits. Ask what they say about you. Are you reliving your 20s in your party wear and your wedding night in your underwear? Do dog-walking clothes serve for dates too? Now’s the time to reinvent yourself to flatter your current age and life .....
Eternal Style Seasonal dressing
24. To keep your wardrobe updated, buy the catwalk edition of fashion magazines each season to see what’s in and what’s not. Not everything you see will necessarily be easy or practical to wear. Look at how perennial labels, such as Chanel and Armani, make slight changes to freshen up a look; see what collections designed by older women, such as Chloe, Donna Karan, and Marni, have to offer. .....
Eternal Style Play to your assets
25. Don’t cover up in oversized garments. Clothes that fit flatter. Make the most of your best assets: highlight great legs or well-turned ankles in flirty skirts and fabulous shoes; show off a long neck with a bobbed haircut. .....
Eternal Style Get styling advice
26. Book an appointment with a personal shopper at a department store or a fashion adviser at a highend chain. They will pick out garments that fit, flatter, and update your look with no obligation to buy. .....
Eternal Style Timeless classics
27. Try clean shapes and simple silhouettes, and invest in a few timeless pieces: a classic trench coat and wrap dress, a fabulous bag, great shoes. Wear stunning jewelry if you feel underdressed in classic chic. Conceal trouble spots with garments that cover the arms, are tailored to flatter a shortened torso, or offer the benefit of a plunging neckline without views of crêpey wrinkles. .....
Eternal Style Pick your palette
28. In daylight, stand in front of a mirror and hold your favorite garments to your face. Do the colors still suit you? If hair and skin have faded a little, you might need to adapt your palette. Rich tones might suit better than washedout pastels; chocolate or charcoal can be kinder than black; green tones play down flushed cheeks; and creamy tones near the face reflect illuminating light upward. .....
Eternal Style Flower remedy
29. Before doing a wardrobe clearout, take 6 drops of the Australian Bush Flower Essence Five Corners this is a great remedy for low selfesteem, especially concerning physical appearance. Tune into your sense of self-worth. .....
Eternal Style Detox your wardrobe
30. If your wardrobe makes every morning a misery, it’s time to detox. Cast away anything that makes you feel fat, items that remind you of failed relationships, and impulse buys with labels still attached. Create a wardrobe containing only clothes you love (and which fit and flatter). .....
Eternal Style What not to wear
31. All-out fashion “looks” worn head-to-toe, rock-chick chic, and sleeveless vests might not be appropriate to those of us who haven’t maintained the training regime of Madonna as we enter our late 40s. Here are some other items that should now be donated to daughters or nieces: leather pants miniskirts hot pants puffball skirts baseball caps the punk look military chic day-glo colors midriff-exposing tops slogan T-shirts animal pri .....
Eternal Style Ditch and switch
32. Get together with a bunch of girlfriends to dump and swap clothes that no longer fit or suit you. Everyone empties bags of cast-offs into the center of a room, then scrabbles to find a new outfit that does suit. If more than one person hankers after the same piece, you all try it on and ask for honest (but kind) opinions about what really suits you at this stage of life. .....
Eternal Style Burn your bra
33. Japanese studies suggest that the body works harder to keep breasts perky against gravity when we go braless. However, a well-fitting bra can offer a psychological lift. Get measured by a professional. .....
Eternal Style Choosing role models
34. When you despair of the bright young things adorning TV and magazines, look out for the models hitting 50 and beyond who are becoming the new faces of cosmetic conglomerates and fashion houses: Twiggy, Christie Brinkley, Sharon Stone, and Catherine Deneuve. .....
Eternal Style Natural moth protection
35. Launder or dry clean, then store away the previous season’s clothes (moths like sweat). Add cedar balls as a deterrent. If moths make inroads, place clothes in a freezer (in bags) for three weeks or zap in the microwave to kill live moths and eggs. .....
Organic Beauty
36. On average, women apply some 200 chemicals to their skin each day. Yet 99 percent of mass-market skincare products contain preservatives shown to have genderbending effects on mammals; while other chemicals used are known carcinogens or can have neurological effects. Items branded as antiaging are not usually the most natural choice. Green up your makeup bag and beauty routines to avoid suspect items. .....
Organic Beauty EU safety net
37. Choose beauty products from the European Union, which bans the use of ingredients proven to be carcinogenic or which adversely affect the reproductive system. German products adhere to particularly stringent guidelines. The US Department of Agriculture, on the other hand, no longer certifies finished cosmetic products as organic, which may lead to increased numbers of unsubstantiated claims to organic status. .....
Organic Beauty Check the certification
38. It’s not enough to choose products branded “natural” to be sure they are free from potentially harmful ingredients. Without the stamp of a reputable organic accreditation body, an “organic” product might contain as little as one percent organic matter. The cosmetic industry’s trade journal points out that plants not grown organically may be contaminated with pesticides, fertilizers, or bacteria. Reassuring logos include:C569 The Soil .....
Organic Beauty Steer clear of
39. mass market Danish research suggests that 99 percent of “leave-on” and 77 percent of “rinse-off ” mass market beauty products contain hormonedisrupting parabens, shown to be capable of penetrating the body and reaching breast tissue. A Swedish study found reproductive-toxicant phthalates in 80 percent of beauty products. The only way to avoid them is to shop for beauty products in whole food stores, online, and in high-end boutiques that .....
Organic Beauty Moon nurtured
40. Some of the most reputable and effective organic skincare products are the result of biodynamic farming: growing and harvesting by the cycles of the moon and with respect for nature, ethical morals, community values, and workers’ well-being. This is as good as holistic agriculture gets: it aims to strengthen the soil and spiritual understanding for future generations, and preaches the preservation of local cultures and traditional ways. Look fo .....
Organic Beauty Detox the bathroom cabinet
41. First ditch anything in an aerosol, which pumps unhealthy solvents into the respiratory system. Then dump items packaged in plastic: unstable gender-bending chemicals in the plastic mix may leach into oily products. Favor glass bottles instead. Get rid of talc: studies link frequent genital dusting with a raised risk of ovarian cancer. .....
Organic Beauty Rinse off toxins
42. Over decades of daily use you risk absorbing a cocktail of chemicals into your skin when they are smoothed over large areas of skin without rinsing off afterward. If you opt for only a few beauty products, prioritize organic moisturizers, body lotions, and sunscreens. .....
Organic Beauty Hidden horrors
43. Labels on cosmetics and beauty-care products are notoriously difficult to decipher, requiring knowledge of Latin and biochemistry. And not everything has to be listed on the pack: fragrance ingredients (where some of the more dubious chemicals are hidden) don’t have to be specified. To cut through the jargon, choose only certified organic brands. .....
Organic Beauty Top 10 ingredients to avoid
44. Some ingredients are more undesirable than other try to avoid the following: Petroleum-based substances - these are drying for the skin and polluting for the atmosphere. Formaldehyde - this irritates the skin and is cancer-inducing. Parfum/fragrance - this is a catch-all term for around 100 synthetic ingredients thought to trigger one third of cosmetic allergies; they don’t have to appear on the label. SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate) - this is .....
Organic Beauty Choosing lipstick
45. Make organic lipstick high on your must-have list. Because most lipsticks are packed full of preservatives to prevent infection near the mouth, each of us consumes an average 5½ lb (2.5 kg) in a lifetime. Skin on the lips is thinner and more sensitive to damage than other parts of the body, and so more vulnerable to uptake of toxins. .....
Superstar Ingredients
46. Many of the youth-enhancing nutrients, herbs, and oils that play a major role in off-the-shelf natural beauty preparations are already in your vegetable rack, refrigerator, or pantry, making it easy to create effective (and cost-effective) antiaging treatments at home. .....
Superstar Ingredients Your antiaging oil kit
47. These essential oils are for use diluted in a base or carrier oil for massage, baths, and conditioning treatments. Frankincense is great for toning, lifting, and antiwrinkle effects. It also helps to deepen breathing and enhance meditation. Lavender helps promote new cell growth. Camomile soothes dry, sensitive skin and helps reduce puffiness and broken capillaries; it also promotes elasticity and strength. Cypress combats puffiness caused by .....
Superstar Ingredients Invest in the best
48. Although costly, essential oil of rose is one of the most effective oils for soothing thinning, sensitive skin, especially after menopause. Rose oil also has an effect on the emotions— aromatherapists value it for lifting mood, releasing nervous tension, and making a woman feel more positively feminine. Beware cheaper brands, which may be adulterated. .....
Superstar Ingredients Intensive care oil
49. Quick-penetrating rosehip oil is rich in omega fatty acids that promote skin elasticity and resilience. It is renowned for rejuvenating and repairing prematurely aged, sun-damaged, inflamed, or scarred skin. .....
Superstar Ingredients Mummify yourself
50. Essential oil of myrrh has a long history of use as a skin preservative, being popular in mummification! It is used by aromatherapists to prevent tissue degeneration and tone the immune system. It helps lift feelings of weakness and is cooling for those who are overheating physically or emotionally. Burn in a room vaporizer and mix into bath and massage oils. .....
Superstar Ingredients Enjoy the vine
51. A glass of red wine is naturally antiaging, but so too are grapes and oil extracted from their seeds and stems. These are rich in vitamins A, B, C, and E, potent antioxidant reservatol and wound-healing OPCs (oligo proanthocyanadins)— natural antiaging superstars, more protectively antioxidant than vitamins A, C, or E. .....
Superstar Ingredients Combating city stress
52. Look for off-the-shelf skincare products containing extracts of the herb rhodiola if your skin is exposed to polluted cities or endures long and stressful working hours that can kickstart premature aging. This herb enhances the body’s ability to perform well during periods of physical exhaustion and recover from the negative effects of environmental stressors. .....
Superstar Ingredients Grate carrots
53. Research suggests the constituents of carrots - beta-carotene, lutein, and lycopene - could reduce intensity of sunburn. Look for offthe- shelf products containing carrot seed oil to stimulate skin cell renewal and protect against freeradical damage. Aromatherapists rate this oil for its ability to reduce age spots and wrinkles and for toning while promoting elasticity. .....
Superstar Ingredients Topical green tea
54. When green tea is applied topically after sun exposure, research has shown that it reduces the degree of sunburn as well as the extent of DNA damage. It also protects from the aging effects of exposure to environmental toxins. Use a cooled cup of green tea as a toner, to mix clay masks, or to throw into the bath. .....
Superstar Ingredients White tea wonder
55. Richer even than green tea in antioxidants is white tea. Research suggests it can prevent oxidative cell damage that causes wrinkles and reduces immunity. Look for it especially in leave-on products applied over large areas of the body. .....
Superstar Ingredients Track down honey
56. Packed with antioxidants, honey makes a gently effective cleanser that preserves the skin’s natural oils. Its humectant properties (drawing moisture to the skin) suit it to masks, too. For skin healing look for manuka honey. Living Nature’s manuka honey-based products especially suit mature skin. Or try preparations based on royal jelly. Fed to the queen bee and thought to be the reason she lives 40 times longer than the worker bees, this is .....
Superstar Ingredients Sea cures
57. Thalassotherapy centers expound the benefits of bathing in bodytemperature sea water for maximum uptake of marine nutrients, and use unrefined salt crystals or sea salt mixed with antioxidant seaweed for body wraps. At home, sea salt is good for gentle skin buffing (ideal for mature skin), since it dissolves when it meets warm water. .....
Daily Facial Care
58. Skin tone and texture often alter during and after menopause—you might notice an unfamiliar tightness, red patches and other signs of sensitivity. A careful daily facial care routine can minimize the effects of hormone changes. .....
Daily Facial Care Cleanse before bed
59. Be vigilant about cleansing skin of makeup and grime before bed. Tiny traces can irritate eyes and lead to blocked pores and a dull complexion. .....
Daily Facial Care Maintain a light touch
60. Never pull or drag mature skin when applying cleanser. Rather, cover your fingers in the cream or oil, lay your hands over your face, press gently, then lift your fingers away one by one, in a rolling action. Repeat to cover the face and neck. .....
Daily Facial Care Makeup remover
61. Use this homemade remover to clean your face gently. 2 tbsp sweet almond oil 3 drops essential oil of neroli Pour the almond oil into a clean dark glass bottle, drop in the essential oil. Cover and store in a cool, dark place. Shake before use. .....
Daily Facial Care Warm cloths
62. While removing makeup, place a piece of muslin to soak in a basin of warm water. Wring out and place over the face (do not rub), allowing the warmth to open the pores. Then cleanse. Repeat with cold water to close pores afterward. .....
Daily Facial Care Milk tonic
63. Soak a cotton pad in full-fat milk. Press lightly onto the face, lifting away dirt. This also removes dead cells, encouraging cell renewal. .....
Daily Facial Care City cleanser
64. For city grime, replace detergents with an oil-rich, antioxidant cleanser. 1 green tea bag 1 tsp ground almonds 1 tsp grapeseed oil 1 tsp milk powder Place the tea bag in a mug and pour over boiled water. Leave to steep. Blend together the almond powder, oil, and milk powder. Mix in enough green tea to make a smooth, cool paste. Massage over face and neck, then lift away with a warm wet wash cloth. Splash with cool water. .....
Daily Facial Care For sensitive types
65. Sensitive skin requires particularly gentle cleansing. Try this blend. 1 tsp fine oatmeal 1 tsp jojoba oil 1 tsp milk powder 1–2 tbsp rosewater Mix together the oatmeal, jojoba, and milk powder. Stir in enough rosewater to form a smooth paste. Massage over face and neck, then lift away with a warm wet wash cloth. Splash with tepid water. .....
Daily Facial Care Honey for dry skin
66. Secure hair away from the face. Gently massage into damp skin a good amount of honey. Rinse with plenty of tepid water, then pat dry. .....
Daily Facial Care Kitchen cupboard toners
67. Opt for toners rich in antioxidants: rosewater, grape juice, and green tea will work nicely. Cider vinegar in cooled peppermint or fennel tea is a great pore-reducing toner. .....
Daily Facial Care Creamy cleanser
68. Oil-based cleansers suit aging skin better than drying detergents. 1 tsp fine oatmeal 1 tsp avocado oil 1 tsp milk powder ½ tsp runny honey 1–2 tbsp single cream Mix together the oatmeal, oil, and milk powder. Stir in the honey and enough of the cream to make a thick paste. Smooth over the face and neck. Lift away with a warm wet wash cloth. Rinse the cloth and repeat. Splash with tepid water. .....
Daily Facial Care Remember your neck
69. When applying moisturizer, don’t forget your neck and the thin skin of your décolletage to help stave off tell-tale crêpiness and crinkling. .....
Daily Facial Care Calming influence
70. This moisturizer is great if your skin is irritated or sensitive. 1 green tea bag3 drops essential oil of rosemary 2 drops essential oil of camomile 2 tbsp aloe vera gel Place the tea bag in a mug and pour over boiled water. Leave to steep. Drop the essential oils into the aloe gel and stir well. Once the tea is cool, mix a little into the gel. Massage into cleansed skin. (Omit rosemary oil if you have epilepsy.) .....
Daily Facial Care Intense moisturizer
71. Blend intensely moisturizing oils for dehydrated skin. 2 tbsp hemp oil 1 tsp wheatgerm oil 1 capsule evening primrose oil 3 drops essential oil of frankincense 2 drops essential oil of neroli Pour the oils into a clean, dark glass bottle. Prick the capsule and squeeze in the oil. Drop in the essential oils. Cover and store in a dark, cool place. Shake before use. .....
Daily Facial Care Delicate touch
72. This moisturizer is particularly good for thinning or delicate skin. 2 tbsp apricot kernel oil 1 capsule evening primrose oil 3 drops each essential oils of sandalwood and neroli Pour the apricot oil into a clean dark glass bottle. Prick the capsule and squeeze in. Drop in the essential oils. Cover and store in a dark, cool place. Shake before use. .....
Daily Facial Care Cool as a cucumber
73. This cooling cucumber toning mask freshens the face and is especially effective when you feel overheated or anticipate a breakout. 1 organic cucumber 1 tbsp witch hazel 1. Mixing the ingredients: roughly chop the cucumber into small chunks, place in a blender and blitz to form a rough paste. Stir in the witch hazel tincture and transfer the mixture into a bowl ready for application. 2. Apply like a mask, and relax for 5–10 minutes. You may p .....
Daily Facial Care Sun soother
74. Sun-damaged skin benefits from this regenerating moisturizer. 1 tbsp grapeseed oil 2 tsp rosehip oil 1 tsp wheatgerm oil 3 drops essential oil of lavender 1 drop each essential oils of camomile and geranium Pour the oils into a clean dark glass bottle. Drop in the essential oils. Cover and store in a dark, cool place. Shake before use. .....
Daily Facial Care Off the shelf moisturizers
75. Dr. Hauschka’s iconic Rose Day Cream has a nurturing fragrance and helps repair weakened capillaries. REN’s Phytostimuline Instant Replenishment Moisturizer plumps and addresses moisture-retention issues. Primavera’s Demetercertified Hydrating Face Cream is packed with antioxidants, essential fatty acids, and antiaging plant oils. .....
Deep Cleansing
76. Once a week, treat tired or gray-looking skin to a gentle but deep-cleansing mask or steam treatment. This lifts away dead cells and encourages the natural process of regeneration, resulting in a fresher complexion. .....
Deep Cleansing Applying masks
77. When smearing on facial clays and masks, don’t forget to cover the neck and décolletage area, too. Lie down to relax while the mask dries. Finish with a wipe of toner and a thin layer of moisturizer. .....
Deep Cleansing Rose scented rinse
78. To lift away scrubs and masks without rubbing, fill a basin with warm water. Add two drops essential oil of rose mixed into ½ tsp sweet almond oil. Soak a wash cloth in the water and place over the face. .....
Deep Cleansing Nourishing cream mask
79. Replace extreme exfoliation with this moisturizing treatment. 1 avocado 1 tbsp double cream 1–2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil Mash the avocado. Mix in the cream and enough of the oil to make a textured paste. Smear over cleansed skin, then lie down for 15 minutes. Lift away with a warm, wet wash cloth, then splash with tepid water. .....
Deep Cleansing Dull skin clarifier
80. Give dull skin a lift with this clarifying face mask. 2 tsp fine oatmeal 2 tsp milk powder ½ tsp avocado oil 1 tbsp rosewater Mix together the oatmeal and milk powder, then stir in the oil. Thin with rosewater to create a smooth paste. After cleansing, massage the paste gently into your face. Lift away with a warm, wet wash cloth, then splash with cool water. .....
Deep Cleansing City know how
81. The antioxidant properties of this mask make it great for city dwellers. 2 tbsp green clay1 tsp honey 1 tsp rolled oats1 tsp grapeseed oil 1 white tea bag Mix the clay, honey, oats, and oil. Stir in cooled tea. Smear the paste over cleansed skin. Relax for 15 minutes. Lift away with a warm, wet wash cloth, then splash with tepid water. .....
Deep Cleansing Sensitive skin mask
82. Use this mask once a week if you have sensitive skin. 12 black grapes (with seeds) 2 tbsp runny honey 1 tsp baby rice ½ tsp (colorless) sesame oil 2 drops essential oil of rose Whizz up the grapes in a blender then mix in the other ingredients well. Apply to cleansed skin. Relax for 15 minutes while the mask dries. Lift away with a warm, wet wash cloth, then splash with tepid water. .....
Deep Cleansing Restoration and repair
83. Rejuvenate damaged skin with a paste made from a mashed banana mixed with 1 tbsp each heavy cream and runny honey. Circle onto cleansed skin. Lift away with a warm, wet wash cloth, then splash with cool water. .....
Deep Cleansing Steam cleansing
84. Add 5 drops essential oil of sandalwood to a bowl of hot water. Cover your head and the bowl with a towel for five minutes. Inhale the aromatic steam, keeping mouth and eyes closed. (Avoid if you have asthma or a respiratory condition.) .....
Organic Nightcare
85. Skin enters a renewal and repair phase at night. Under 30s probably don’t need a separate night cream, but many natural skincare gurus teach that skin in later life responds well to intensive replenishing at night. .....
Organic Nightcare Applying night cream
86. Don’t slather face and neck with nightcare products: use only as much as can be absorbed readily by the skin. Blot away any excess with a tissue after two minutes. .....
Organic Nightcare Off the shelf creams
87. Weleda’s Wild Rose Night Cream combines organic rosehip oil and evening primrose oil for their essential fatty acids with extracts of horsetail and myrrh to support skin repair. Decleor’s creamy Baume de Nuit Iris contains antiaging carrot oil and antioxidant essential oils of geranium and camomile. Combine with Aromessence™ Iris, a blend of essential oil concentrates, for resculpting results. .....
Organic Nightcare Night care oil
88. If you like to use a night product, why not try this oil blend. 2 tbsp sweet almond oil 1 tsp each avocado and wheatgerm oil 1 capsule evening primrose oil 4 drops essential oil of lavender 2 drops each essential oils of myrrh and frankincense 1 drop each essential oils of cypress Pour the oils into a clean dark glass bottle. Drop in the essential oils. Cover and store in a dark, cool place. Shake before use. To apply, massage into cleansed damp .....
Organic Nightcare Let your skin breathe
89. Aestheticians from the Dr. Hauschka natural skincare range believe skin needs to breathe at night and must be weaned from an addiction to rich night creams. Try out the theory by moisturizing only in the morning; allow a few weeks for skin to settle into this more natural rhythm. .....
Organic Nightcare Massage your feet
90. To ensure deep sleep and relaxation that shows on the face next morning, massage your feet with warmed (colorless) sesame oil before bed. .....
Organic Nightcare Bathtime massage
91. A steamy bath primes skin to absorb oils and herbal extracts applied topically, making this a good time for facial massage with nourishing oils. .....
Give Yourself
92. a quick facial Pour a little grapeseed oil or oil blend onto the palm of one hand. Rub the palms together, then rub the backs of the hands. Begin by stroking the backs of your fingers up from neck to jaw, alternating hands. Work on both sides of the neck. Repeat from jaw to cheekbone on both sides. Now run alternate index fingers from eyebrow to hair line. Circle your temples with your middle fingers, then massage the lobes of the ears, circling .....
Give Yourself Special care
93. Lots of natural products have been created to help conquer particular beauty gripes of mature skin. These include topical treatments to help minimize crêpey texture and thread veins; facial spritzers to mist the flushed and overheating; and zit zappers to tackle acne breakouts. .....
Give Yourself Off the shelf intensive care
94. Jurlique’s phyto-nutrient-rich Wrinkle Softener is popular in Australia to combat the effects of intense sun exposure. Burt’s Bees Repair Serum is a concentrated elixir of renewing oils, vitamins, and herbs, and claims to be one of the most beneficial products for aging skin on the market. The Organic Pharmacy’s Antioxidant Gel and Serum is said by many users to improve the tone, color, and texture of mature skin so dramatically it’s like .....
Give Yourself Antiwrinkle oil
95. Massage this homemade antiwrinkle oil into cleansed skin for a rejuvenating effect. 2 tbsp hemp oil 1 tsp wheatgerm oil 1 capsule evening primrose oil 4 drops each essential oils of frankincense and sandalwood Pour the oils into a clean dark glass bottle. Drop in the essential oils. Cover with lid and store in a dark, cool place. Shake before use. .....
Give Yourself Neck treatment oil
96. Sandalwood is traditional in Indian oil blends to guard against crêpey skin on the neck and chest. Mix 3 drops essential oil of sandalwood into 1tbsp grapeseed oil and massage daily into the neck. .....
Give Yourself Vein treatment oil
97. To treat broken capillaries on the face or legs, mix together 1tsp peach kernel oil and one drop each of essential oils of rose and camomile. Gently massage the affected area using the ring fingers. Blot excess oil with a tissue. .....
Give Yourself Floral vein toner
98. Place one camomile tea bag and one marigold tea bag in a mug, pour over boiling water and leave to steep for 10 minutes. Soak a cotton ball in the brew and, when cool, wipe over affected areas as a substitute for toner. .....
Give Yourself Herbal vein help
99. Witch hazel cream (also sold as Hammamelis cream) can reduce the appearance of tiny broken veins, if used regularly. Dab on to tighten and promote healing. .....
Give Yourself Protect your skin
100. In winter wrap up in a hat, scarf, and turned-up coat collar to shield delicate skin from harsh winds and cold temperatures. Shun very hot water on cold mornings. Look for products rich in nut and seed oils and containing warming natural ingredients, such as ginger, black pepper, and eucalyptus. Avoid overuse of alcohol as this dilates fine blood vessels and can be responsible for broken veins. .....
Give Yourself Concealer trick
101. Apply a tiny amount of concealer on a brush to disguise broken capillaries, pressing onto the surface rather than brushing. .....
Give Yourself Blemish blitzes
102. To speed the healing of blemishes, dab on cider vinegar, manuka honey, or neat tea tree oil on a cotton ball. To calm down an inflamed pimple, apply an ice cube. .....
Give Yourself Night treatment
103. Before going to bed, cover pimples with a little natural yogurt or a clay mask for its drawing action. Rinse away the remnants the next morning. .....
Give Yourself Angry red marks
104. Reduce the aftermath of hormonal pimples by mixing 1 drop of rosehip oil into 1 tsp of grapeseed oil. Dab this onto the affected area with a cotton ball. .....
Give Yourself Checking excessive
105. perspiration Try natural antiperspirants rather than conventional products: experiment with deodorant stones or crystals, or simply dust your skin with bicarbonate of soda or cornstarch. These may not be as effective as you are used to, so carry pump-action sprays in your bag for refreshers. .....
Give Yourself Cooling facial spritzer
106. Fill a clean pump-action spray bottle with cooled green tea. Refrigerate until required then use to refresh a flushed face. The anti-inflammatory and anti-irritant properties of green tea are good for attacks of sensitivity and itchiness, too. .....
Give Yourself Zapping zits with
107. off-the-shelf products The Organic Pharmacy’s Blemish Gel comprises a blend of antiseptic herbs and essential oils. Burt’s Bees Healthy Treatment Blemish Stick contains 10 herbal ingredients to correct imbalances that cause breakouts of pimples. .....
Instant Radiance
108. The way you react to life’s stresses, be it with anger, resignation, or bitterness, can become etched into your face over time. Facial muscles “set” with recurrent expressions, fixing visible lines into your skin. Releasing these muscles can be enough to bring instant radiance, and there are also effective off-the-shelf beauty balms. .....
Instant Radiance Check your expression
109. Whenever you remember (and especially during periods of intense concentration), check whether you have slipped into bad facial habits. Are you frowning? Is your jaw clenched? Do the sides of your mouth pull downward? Don’t judge, just notice, then smooth out the face to reduce tension lines. .....
Instant Radiance Relax your face
110. Relaxing the face can be enough to soften frown and tension lines. Sit or lie comfortably and close your eyes. Take your thoughts away from outside matters—focus on your breathing or count to four as you breathe in and out. Consciously relax common areas of tension: drop your shoulders away from your ears, loosen your jaw, iron out your brow, feel your eyes heavy in their sockets, let your lips loosen, unclench your teeth, and let your tongue l .....
Instant Radiance Antifrown tips
111. To prevent scowl lines and crow’s feet, keep eyes relaxed at all times, even when smiling. If you have dry eyes caused by computer work, central heating and contact lenses, increase your intake of antioxidant vitamins with supplements. .....
Instant Radiance Quick forehead release
112. To reduce the sight of a creased forehead make your index and middle fingers into a V-shape. Place them at the center of your forehead and gradually stretch the fingers apart to smooth away lines. Move outward and repeat. .....
Instant Radiance Wear your shades
113. Whenever you step out into bright daylight slip on your shades to prevent squinting. .....
Instant Radiance Off the shelf treatments
114. Jurlique’s best-selling antiaging Herbal Recovery Gel, or face-lift in a bottle, magically tightens and lifts sagging skin, brightening and restoring radiance almost instantly - it contains a protective screen of OPCs and other plant-derived antioxidants. The Organic Pharmacy’s Expression Treatment is an all-natural organic “filler” and skin plumper. .....
Instant Radiance Use blusher
115. When you look pallid, a judicious application of blusher helps. To find a natural-looking color, pinch your cheek try to match the tone that appears. Smile to pinpoint the plump apple of the cheek, then apply blusher here and work outward. .....
Instant Radiance Makeup rescues
116. Don’t be tempted to apply a thick layer of foundation on bad days. This creates a masklike effect, and allows pigment to crease in wrinkles and laughter lines. For a more flattering look, use lightreflecting concealer, under-eye reflectors, and sheer foundation or tinted moisturizer, blending where most help is needed beneath the eyes, around the lips, on blemishes and around age spots. Leave parts of the face bare. .....
Instant Radiance Color therapy
117. For instant radiance, rethink the colors you wear on eyes, lips, cheeks, and face with each changing season. Summer, winter, and even fall and spring call for different tones, and coloring changes after menopause make reviews of foundation especially important. A good rule of thumb for constant renewal is never to buy the same tone of lipstick twice. .....
Instant Radiance Give in to gravity
118. Lie on your front, legs wider than hip-width apart with toes pointing outward, head resting on your hands or turned to one side. Close your eyes and relax completely toward the ground. Let your pelvis, shoulders, and heels sink and your breastbone slump. Feel the skin on your face loosen, giving in to gravity. After three minutes or so, roll onto your back. Again feel the heaviness of your pelvis and shoulders. Let the weight of your head sink to .....
Instant Radiance Yoga inversions for instant glow
119. Poses that boost circulation impart an instant youthful bloom. There’s no better way to do this than by inverting yourself to bring a flow of freshly oxygenated blood to the upper body. 1. Downward dog: start on your hands and knees, with feet hip-width apart. Spread your hands and press the palms and fingers into the floor. Inhaling, tuck your toes under and stretch your bottom toward the ceiling. 2. Try to straighten your legs. Keep your arms .....
Scalpel free Face lifts
120. Cosmetic surgery and treatments may appear to be booming but lots of women prefer a noninvasive, natural approach. Holistic facials combining massage and acupressure techniques with antioxidant oils and botanical extracts ease tension, encourage circulation and lymph drainage, and restore a youthful bloom. These treatments are quick, leave no scars and, unlike botox, make sure your face stays lively and full of expression. .....
Scalpel free Face lifts Fingertip face lift
121. The massage treatment known as Rejuvanessence®, created by holistic massage therapist and former nurse Margareta Loughran, aims to bring about a more “alive” or expressive appearance, in contrast to the “surprised” expression and fixed look of some surgical lifts. Using a press, hold and release technique, therapists work to free tension in connective tissue and facial muscle to restore flexibility and soften stress lines. Although resul .....
Scalpel free Face lifts Try acupuncture
122. Plenty of celebrities advocate cosmetic acupuncture, in which hair-fine needles are inserted as an alternative to botox. Effects include a reduction in fine wrinkles and folds on the face, lifting of sagging eyelids, and improved muscle tone and collagen production. This technique works on individual imbalances and weaknesses to regulate flow of qi energy and stimulate the body’s innate healing processes. A block of 12–24 weekly treatments is .....
Scalpel free Face lifts Reiki for face and hands
123. This 15-minute noninvasive selftreatment system is taught at oneday workshops and summer schools and is said not only to refresh skin on the face and soften signs of aging, but to alleviate signs of aging on the hands. It teaches how to focus reiki energy to restore natural energy flow and also demonstrates facial exercises and self-massage. .....
Scalpel free Face lifts Ko bi do rebalance
124. Not concerned merely with the skin, Japanese facial massage, or Ko bi do, aims to rejuvenate by working on the lifeforce known as ki. As well as offering the usual cleansing and moisturizing, this type of facial applies finger pressure to tsubos, acupoints, on the face to stimulate energy pathways, known as meridians, and to rebalance internal organs and body systems, including the nervous system. .....
Scalpel free Face lifts Enjoy a grape break
125. French beauty pioneer of vinothérapie, Caudalie offers grape cures at the chateau on its wine estate in Bordeaux, in California, and in Italy, Paris, Spain, and Taiwan. Reap the antiaging benefits of the concentrated antioxidant properties of the grape vine by booking a Red Vine or Barrel Bath, Honey and Wine or Merlot Wrap, Crushed Cabernet Scrub, or Sauvignon Massage. .....
Scalpel free Face lifts Ayurveda treatments
126. Ayurvedic beauty treatments for vata-type skin (thinning and dry) use warming and moisturizing oils and herbal compresses. Treatments work on marma points - energy-junctions sited around the body. Pressure stimulation clears energy blockages and helps prana, lifeforce, circulate freely. This brings fresher skin and is thought to develop spiritual insight. .....
Scalpel free Face lifts Mirror finish
127. Elemis’ antiaging Visible Brilliance facial has been shown in clinical trials to increase skin elasticity by up to 28 percent and improve moisture levels by up to 38 percent in just 75 minutes. Massage with moringa oil 1,700 percent more antioxidant than other oils used cosmetically includes Thai techniques and Tui Na movements to encourage lymphatic drainage and define the jaw line. It also includes a mask rich in cellregenerating minerals, vi .....
Emergency Eye Action
128. From our 30s onward, the fragile skin around the eyes starts to take on a darker hue, to droop under gravity, and to crinkle more easily. Frowning, squinting, and rubbing all take their toll, and the morning after a big night out can leave the face looking noticeably older. Since the eyes are the part of the body with which we interact most with others, attention paid here can be transforming agewise. .....
Emergency Eye Action Organic eye creams
129. Jurlique’s Eye Gel is impressively firming, cooling, and visibly lifts dark circles within hours. It contains antioxidant extracts of green tea, turmeric, and grape seed; arnica to kickstart a sluggish circulation; and eyebright to soothe inflammation. Weleda’s Intensive Eye Cream is based on oils rich in vitamins and moisture-preserving essential fatty acids, plus botanical extracts to counter puffiness. The Organic Pharmacy Lifting Eye Gel .....
Emergency Eye Action Quick pick me up
130. Apply a firming natural eye gel for a quick pick-me-up at any time of day when you feel old or when sleep beckons. .....
Emergency Eye Action Clever concealers
131. Choose light-reflective undereye concealers to veil dark rings. Place a dot where the inner eye meets the nose, and use a subtle brush of light-reflecting highlighter to bounce light off the brow bone at the outer edge of the eye and high on the cheekbones. But before going down the makeup route, be sure to check out what a good eye cream can do. .....
Emergency Eye Action Eye oils
132. Since it contains few oil glands, the sensitive skin around the eyes becomes much drier with age and demands cosmetic oils that are mild, easily absorbed, and free from potentially irritating fragrance. Try using a tiny amount of jojoba or sweet almond oil these are light, yet especially nourishing for dry skin. .....
Emergency Eye Action Apply sparingly
133. When using eye oils and serums, apply a small amount using light strokes with the soft pad of your ring finger the index finger is too strong and may drag delicate skin. .....
Emergency Eye Action Rethink eye colors
134. If brows and lashes start to fade in color as you get older, rethink your makeup. Mascara may need to come down a shade, to stone or gray perhaps, or have lashes dyed professionally. Shaping with eyelash curlers gives a wide-eyed look. Avoid circling the eyes with liner and eye pencils, which can drag on mature skin. .....
Emergency Eye Action Reduce creasing
135. To prevent creased eye makeup, use eye serum on the lids. Allow to dry for 4–5 minutes before applying a very thin layer of foundation followed by a dusting of face powder. Only then add a thin layer of eyeshadow. .....
Emergency Eye Action Sleep upright
136. To ensure rested eyes the night before a big event, sleep upright on pillows and apply cold compresses to the eye area. .....
Emergency Eye Action Protect against UV
137. UV radiation can contribute to degenerative eye diseases and cataracts. Choose sunglasses that guarantee full UV protection and wear them everywhere. Polarized lenses are best for reducing glare. For greater levels of protection choose snug-fitting, large-framed glasses or opt for space-age wraparounds. .....
Emergency Eye Action Naturopathic cure
138. Naturopaths might suggest puffiness beneath the eyes is the result of fluid retention, indicating that the liver and kidneys aren’t working as efficiently as they could. To make a difference, cut out alcohol and processed foods for a couple of weeks, eat more vegetables, drink water, and exercise to kickstart circulation. Also set aside time for destressing. .....
Emergency Eye Action Cooling compresses
139. Tighten under-eye skin and reduce inflammation by placing chilled camomile, green or black teabags, or slices of cucumber beneath the eyes. Relax for 10–15 minutes. .....
Emergency Eye Action Eating for eye health
140. Introduce lots of vitamin C and colorful carotenoids into your diet. Find vitamin C in strawberries, oranges, and mangoes, carotenoids in orange and dark green colored fruit and vegetables. In studies at a Boston university, such a diet was associated with greatly reduced risk of cataracts in over 50s. Don’t forget sources of vitamin E, calcium and zinc, too, associated in other studies with a significant reduction in risk of age-related macula .....
Emergency Eye Action Weight train your eyes
141. Keeping your eyes closed and relaxed, lashes resting on cheeks, raise your eyebrows. If you find this difficult, rest your index finger lightly over the lashes. Hold for five, then lower the eyebrows slowly. Repeat 3 times. Lightly rest your index fingers horizontally across the under-eye area, above the cheeks. Try to lift the weight of the fingers by lifting the under-eye muscles without engaging other parts of the eye. Repeat three sets of fiv .....
Emergency Eye Action Banish crow’s feet
142. Place the tips of your ring fingers between your eyebrows. Circle down the nose and out over the cheekbones. Sweep up to the temples and to the center of the forehead. Repeat, circling for 30 seconds. Take the eyebrows between thumbs and index fingers, starting in the center. Pinch and roll, moving toward the outer eye. Circle the temples with your ring fingers. Exerting a little pressure, open and close the eyes rapidly. .....
Emergency Eye Action Brow shaping
143. An expert brow beautician can take years off your look, adding lift and lightness to the eye area by judicious plucking and shaping. Book a sixmonthly appointment and ask for advice on keeping brows in check between times. .....
Lip Treatments
144. One of the most obvious tell-tale signs of aging is a “bleeding” of lip color into fine wrinkles around the mouth. Exercises and makeup know-how can help prevent or minimize this age-old giveaway. .....
Lip Treatments Off the shelf lip balms
145. Look for edible salves made from honey and nourishing food-quality organic oils and waxes and lipsticks colored with pigment from earth minerals rather than coal tar dyes. Try Dr. Hauschka, Aveda and Lavera, Jurlique, or Living Nature. Green People has created the first certified organic lipstick. .....
Lip Treatments Avoid the filler look
146. To prevent makeup from collecting in fine lines around the mouth, open your mouth and pull your lips over your teeth. Drop the bottom jaw, then lift several times. Release the lips, then puff out the skin around the cheeks and mouth before applying foundation or face powder. .....
Lip Treatments Define lips
147. Before applying lipstick apply foundation and a light dusting of face powder. Outline lips on your natural lip line (never outside) with a lip pencil that matches your lip color. Fill in with lipstick or gloss, blotting to remove excess color that might be prone to bleeding. .....
Lip Treatments Plumping exercise
148. With lips and mouth closed, smile widely, hold, then pucker the lips. Holding the kiss shape, raise the top lip toward your nose. Hold. Keeping the same mouth shape, draw your lips in tightly around your teeth and hold. Repeat five times. .....
Lip Treatments Glossy trick
149. Dot a little lip gloss or a slightly darker shade of lip color in the center of your lower lip and blend outward for plumper-looking lips. .....
Lip Treatments Eating for soft lips
150. When skin on the lips becomes cracked, build more B vitamins into your diet in the form of green leafy vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and yeast extract. .....
Essential Toothcare
151. Research is showing that people with gum disease have a raised risk of heart attack later in life. Built-up plaque is the most common cause of gum disease and tooth decay, so for maximum antiaging benefits, revisit your daily brushing and flossing regime. The cosmetic effect is important, too: yellowing teeth are a give-away of age. .....
Essential Toothcare Holistic dentistry
152. If you can find a holistic dentist, he or she will examine your head and neck as well as your teeth, and look at the impact your diet and lifestyle have on your dental health, working with you to eliminate potential problems. Holistic and homeopathic dentists may use homeopathic remedies and essential oils to relax and ease pain and prescribe herbs to support immunity or offer acupuncture or hypnosis for pain reduction. .....
Essential Toothcare Go electric
153. Research suggests electric toothbrushes with oscillating brushes that rotate in two directions are more effective at removing plaque and reducing gum inflammation than regular toothbrushes. Brush at least twice a day for a minimum of two minutes. Pay attention to the area where gums and teeth meet, circling gently at front and back.Change the head regularly, according to the manufacturer’s instructions. .....
Essential Toothcare Don’t forget to floss
154. Without flossing you miss out on cleaning 40 percent of the surface area of your teeth. Daily flossing helps you clean the parts of the teeth where disease often starts: the gumline. If your gums are prone to bleeding, you need to floss more. Use light pressure, adopting a zigzag technique and easing under the gumline. .....
Essential Toothcare Destress daily
155. Studies show that stress can aggravate gum disease, making the mouth more acidic another factor in tooth decay. Aim to build relaxation stops into your day: a yoga class, 5 minutes for meditation, a brisk lunchtime walk. .....
Essential Toothcare All around nutrient
156. Take a combination of the tissue salts Silica, Nat.Mur, and Calc Phos, a good all-around micronutrient for keeping teeth and gums healthy. This is particularly good if you have sensitive teeth or sore gums. .....
Essential Toothcare Prevent yellowing
157. Smoking is a prime cause of yellowing, but some people also like to avoid rich-colored food and drink, such as black coffee and red wine. However, antioxidants in red wine may help prevent gum disease according to one study. To keep yellowing from worsening, have your teeth cleaned by a professional every six months. Don’t use commercial whiteners—bleaching agents can irritate inflamed gums. .....
Essential Toothcare Gum care tips
158. The expression “long in the tooth” alludes to the fact that gums tend to recede with age, making the front teeth appear longer. Luckily, this is optional if you care for gums well. Bleeding gums might indicate gum disease or tooth decay, so have them checked out by a dentist. You might like to take a supplement of Coenzyme Q10, which is thought to promote periodontal healing. Make sure you are getting enough anti-inflammatory vitamin D from .....
Essential Toothcare Massage the gums
159. Morning and night after brushing, massage the gums with fingertips, making small circular rotations over the front and back. .....
Essential Toothcare Treating mouth ulcers
160. Gargle with salt water, add 1–2 ml myrrh tincture to a glass of water and rinse. Eat bio-yogurt daily. If a mouth ulcer does not clear up within two weeks, have it checked by your doctor. .....
Essential Toothcare Soothe sore gums
161. If you have receding or sore gums that bleed easily, the homeopathic remedy Carbo.Veg 6 c could help. Take daily for a few weeks and visit a homeopathic dentist. .....
Essential Toothcare Drink cranberry juice
162. This juice contains a chemical that prevents cavity-causing bacteria from sticking to teeth, suggests a recent study. Look for brands low in sugar and artificial sweeteners. .....
Essential Toothcare Shut your mouth
163. Always breathe through the nose rather than the mouth: the nose acts as a filter to potentially harmful airborne particles and bacteria. Mouth breathing dries the gums and leads to bad breath. Remind yourself to shut your mouth every time you look at your watch or save at the computer. Exercises can help. Pay attention to where your tongue lies naturally: it should sit against the roof of the mouth at rest and when swallowing. See also that your .....
Essential Toothcare Breath freshening rinse
164. Gargle once daily with this rinse to keep your breath fresh. 1 tsp salt 500 mg vitamin C capsule Dissolve the salt in warm water. Stir in the contents of the capsule. .....
Essential Toothcare Antiseptic mouthwash
165. Stir 2 drops essential oil of tea tree and 1 drop essential oil of grapefruit into ½ tsp sweet almond oil. Whisk into a pint of water. Rinse and spit out (do not swallow). .....
Essential Toothcare White tea for
166. cavity prevention Drinking white tea is particularly good for preventing tooth cavities and destroying the bacteria that can cause pneumonia, studies suggest. .....
Essential Toothcare Getting rid of amalgam
167. Mercury, a component of amalgam fillings, has been linked to health issues from headaches, mouth ulcers, and frequent sore throats to Alzheimer’s. At your next check-up, ask your dentist about alternatives, such as composite fillings. When having mercury amalgam fillings removed, take the homeopathic remedy Merc.Sol 6 c twice a day. .....
Essential Toothcare Confidence boosting
168. Porcelain veneers and crowns and realignment work can be an expensive but natural way to improve self-confidence if your smile lets you down at work and in social situations. Ask your dentist about cosmetic procedures. .....
Essential Toothcare Yummy teeth cleaners
169. After a meal eat a chunk of cheese to naturalize acids in the mouth that can cause tooth decay. Or eat sundried raisins, which contain bacteria-suppressing plant chemicals. Alternatively, finish a meal with strawberries: try to rub over teeth and gums to remove staining. Unwaxed peel of organic oranges and lemons works in a similar way. .....
Essential Toothcare Avoiding fluoride
170. Exposure to very large doses of fluoride over long periods can cause fluorosis (symptoms include brittle bones and hypothyroidism). Some nutritionists worry that fluoride interferes with uptake of calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc. If your water supply is fluoridated, you might prefer to use a toothpaste without fluoride. .....
Essential Toothcare Off the shelf natural
171. toothpastes Conventional toothpastes may contain chemicals you prefer to avoid. Try Weleda’s Plant Gel Toothpaste, formulated to be gentle on delicate gums or Green People’s Citrus Toothpaste with antioxidant vitamin C and aloe vera to tackle swelling. Weleda’s Salt Toothpaste is an intense cleaning experience no other preparation can compete with. .....
Natural Bathing
172. Nothing is quite as stress-busting as a soak in a warm bath with uplifting or relaxing scents and a skin-softening blend of oils. When skin is very dry, an oil bath is helpful because skin softened by water and warmth absorbs nutritious oils more effectively. Mineral salts help relieve aching muscles and joints and revive tired skin. .....
Natural Bathing Get the temperature right
173. Heat and cold can have as much effect on body and mind as the botanicals and oils you choose to throw into a bath. Take a warm bath to soothe, relax, and relieve aching muscles. Cool water baths are more invigorating, refreshing, and revitalizing, while cold water jets tone the skin. Avoid very hot baths: they can be exhausting, dehydrate the body, and dry out skin. .....
Natural Bathing Mineral detox
174. Mineral salts have a detoxifying action, encouraging perspiration to carry away waste products. 9 tbsp Epsom salts 4 tbsp sea salt 3 drops each essential oils of cypress and juniper 1 tsp olive oil Blend the salts in a bowl, then stir into a very warm bath. Just before stepping in, mix the essential oils into the olive oil and swish in. Bathe for 12 minutes for best effects. Sip a glass of water. Shower off salt residue before retiring to bed. ( .....
Natural Bathing Flower bath
175. Combine jasmine and rose oils to create a soothing, yet uplifting bathing experience. 6 drops essential oil of jasmine 2 drops essential oil of rose 1 tsp sweet almond oil 2 tbsp rosewater rose petals or jasmine flowers Drop the essential oils into the almond oil. Swish the rosewater and oil mixture into the bath and throw in the petals just before stepping in. Place a strainer over the drain when emptying the bathwater. .....
Natural Bathing Vanilla milk revitalizer
176. For smooth, revitalized skin, cast two vanilla pods into the water as the bath fills. Place 12 tbsp milk powder in a bowl and dilute with double the amount of cool water, adding the liquid gradually until no lumps remain, then pour into the bath. After bathing, rinse the vanilla pods and reserve for another bath. .....
Natural Bathing Coconut milk bath
177. This nourishing creamy mix rehydrates the skin and incorporates the benefits of antioxidant honey. small can coconut milk 1 tbsp buckwheat honey 2 drops each essential oils of vetivert and geranium Blend the coconut milk, honey, and essential oils together. Stir into a running bath just before stepping in. .....
Natural Bathing Summer herb soak
178. Gather two handfuls each of fresh lavender stalks and fresh leafy mint stems. Tie in a bouquet and throw into a hot bath as it fills. Scatter the leaves of 4-6 scented roses into the water before stepping in. .....
Natural Bathing White tea bath
179. Make the most of the antioxidant properties of white tea. 4 white tea bags2 tsp sweet almond oil Boil a kettle of water, and leave to cool slightly. Place the tea bags in a teapot and pour over the hot water. Leave to steep as you run a bath, pouring in the oil. Before stepping in, pour in the tea infusion and swish to disperse. Close your eyes, placing the cooled, squeezed tea bags over them. .....
Natural Bathing Seaweed boost
180. Restore vibrancy to the skin while detoxifying and boosting circulation. 2 large strips dried kelp or other seaweed 6 tbsp dried mint 12 tbsp seaweed-flecked sea salt Crumble the seaweed into a large pan of water and add the mint. Bring to a boil, cover, and simmer for 30 minutes. Add the salt to a bodytemperature bath, then pour in the seaweed mixture. After bathing, place a strainer over the drain and shower off remaining salt. Drink a glass o .....
Natural Bathing Sandalwood meditation
181. Combine these oils to produce a bath made for meditation. 5 drops essential oil of sandalwood 2 drops essential oil of patchouli 2 tsp sweet almond oil sandalwood incense and soap tealight Run a warm bath. Just before stepping in, mix the essential oils into the almond oil and pour into the bath, swishing to disperse. Light the incense and a tealight placed at the end of the bath. Wash with the sandalwood soap. Without blinking, focus on the tip .....
Natural Bathing Soothing bath bag
182. Spoon 12 tbsp milk powder and 12 tbsp oatmeal into the center of a large square of muslin, then tie the corners in the center to secure. Place in a bath as you run the water, then use as a soap substitute to cleanse and relieve irritated skin. .....
Natural Bathing Relaxing bath oil
183. Combine these essential oils for soothing effects on body and mind.1 tsp sweet almond oil 4 drops essential oil of lavender 3 drops essential oil of camomile 2 drops essential oil of geranium Mix the oils and swish into bathwater just before stepping in. .....
Natural Bathing Detoxifying bath oil
184. When you need some “get up and go” try this zesty, woody aroma. 1 tsp grapeseed oil 4 drops essential oil of cypress 2 drops each essential oils of juniper and rosemary Mix the oils and swish into bathwater just before stepping in. (Omit rosemary oil if you have epilepsy; juniper if you have kidney disease.) .....
Natural Bathing Reviving bath oil
185. These essential oils are renowned for their purifying properties. 1 tsp sunflower oil 4 drops essential oil of rose 2 drops essential oil of orange 2 drops essential oil of rosemary Mix the oils and swish into bathwater just before stepping in. (Omit rosemary oil if you have epilepsy.) .....
Natural Bathing Hand bathing
186. Take half a bottle of red wine and bring to the boil with a handful each of nettles, rosemary, thyme, and mint. Allow to simmer for 20 minutes, covered. When cool, strain and use to bathe the hands to boost circulation and prevent swelling. .....
Natural Bathing Spiced bath bag
187. Stimulating and invigorating, yet sensual, this wonderful mix of spices is great for enhancing a long soak in a wintertime bath. 2 sticks cinnamon, broken 3 bay leaves 2 tsp cloves, crushed 1 tsp grated nutmeg 1 tsp black peppercorns, crushed 1. Pile all the ingredients in the center of a piece of muslin and tie the corners to secure. 2. Suspend beneath the hot faucet while you fill the bath or float the bag in the water. (Avoid during preg .....
Natural Bathing Add moisture
188. Customize any dry skin bath oil mix by adding a teaspoon of avocado or wheatgerm oil or one vitamin E capsule (prick and squeeze in). .....
Natural Bathing Natural soap
189. Search out best-quality sandalwood soap, which always comes from Mysore in India. Relish the texture and intense scent, thought to promote meditation and valued in India for its cooling effect. .....
Natural Bathing Take a sauna
190. Japanese research suggests a 15- minute daily sauna can help prevent heart disease. As searing heat causes blood vessels to dilate, blood flow increases to the skin’s surface; and blood pressure drops. (Avoid if you have high blood pressure, heart or vascular disease, varicose veins, or if you are pregnant.) .....
Natural Bathing Sea bathing
191. Whenever the opportunity arises bathe outdoors—in the ocean, in mountain springs, in naturally heated spring water, in mud baths, beneath waterfalls—to benefit the mind and increase well-being. .....
Revitalizing Body Buffs
192. Exfoliation loosens the top layer of dead skin cells, speeding the skin’s natural process of regeneration to bring about a youthful glow. It also allows for better penetration of oils and herbs, which impart nourishment as well as a lustre to the skin. Body clays are supereffective on aging skin, replenishing by imparting minerals and trace elements as they dry. (Avoid full-body masks during pregnancy.) .....
Revitalizing Body Buffs Use natural ingredients
193. There’s evidence that the environment and marine life suffer when nonbiodegradable granules from commercially available exfoliators head down the drain. Use only natural, degradable (and edible) products to exfoliate, such as salt, sugar and pepper, rice, oatmeal, and sesame seeds. .....
Revitalizing Body Buffs Upward strokes
194. When massaging in body scrubs make long strokes always in the direction of the heart. Improving circulation maximizes the availability of oxygen and nutrients and primes the organs of elimination to carry away waste products. Use a circular scrubbing action over areas that need more attention, such as the heels, knees, elbows, and areas of cellulite. .....
Revitalizing Body Buffs Sweet and salt buff
195. Oils give the skin a lustre that remains after showering. 1 tbsp sea salt 1 tbsp brown sugar 1 tbsp hemp oil 1 tbsp avocado oil 4 drops essential oil of peppermint Combine the salt and sugar in a bowl. Stir in enough of the oils to make a thick paste. Drop in the essential oil. Rub handfuls into the skin. Shower off. (If you have sensitive skin or are breastfeeding omit the essential oil.) .....
Revitalizing Body Buffs Mud and banana body mask
196. This full body treat feels really indulgent - enjoy! 1 ripe banana 1 tbsp fine oatmeal 4 tbsp kaolin clay2 tbsp rosewater4 drops essential oil of rose Mash the banana and mix into the oatmeal in a large bowl. Stir in the dry clay, then little by little mix in the rosewater and enough warm water to make a smooth paste. Finally, mix in the essential oil. Coat the body. Relax in a warm room for 15 minutes, until dry, then wipe away with warm wet wa .....
Revitalizing Body Buffs Aftersun mask
197. Help your skin recover from sun exposure with this soothing mask. 4 organic carrots, grated 2 tbsp runny honey 1 tbsp wheatgerm oil 4 drops essential oil of lavender 2 drops essential oil of carrot seed Mix together the grated carrot with the honey and wheatgerm oil. Stir in the essential oils. Rub handfuls over the skin to cool and impart moisture. Work gently into areas of soreness. Wipe away with warm wash cloths and then take a cool shower. .....
Natural Cellulite Busters
198. Unsightly dimpling of the skin around the buttocks, hips, and thighs is increasingly common after the age of 30. Loss of skin elasticity and resilience contributes, as does thinning of the top layer of skin and reduced firmness in the fibers that connect skin to muscle. .....
Natural Cellulite Busters Firm loose skin
199. Homeopaths often recommend the tissue salt Calc Fluor to pregnant women as it enhances tissue elasticity, particularly the skin, but if you had your children some time ago, it’s not too late. Try taking Calc Fluor three times daily alongside your exercise regime to firm up loose skin and reduce stretch marks. .....
Natural Cellulite Busters Softening lumpiness
200. Silica tissue salts can help to soften lumpy or hardened tissue if taken over a long period of time. This is especially helpful for any lumpiness of tissue remaining after an injury or surgery. Take two tablets up to four times daily over several months. .....
Chourishi Systems